Wednesday, December 29, 2010


After years of civil war, Bong County and Suakoko District still find themselves in deep-root problems, poor educational system, abject poverty, high level of illiteracy, deteriorating healthcare system, frightening unemployment and poor or no social services. Greed for personal wealth and the lack of good leadership as well as the culture of putting self above people have brought us to where we are, as a nation. Ordinary Citizens are making painful sacrifices with an overwhelming majority living on less than $1.00 per day. However, the politics that has put self-interest above our common interest is keeping our County and District in particular under the curse of dependence on foreign handouts.

Suakoko District is struggling hard and losing the fight to bring development, improve healthcare facilities, reconstruct or construct farm to market roads and improve food production. In this era of development, our Representative has chosen to prioritize personal gains over the common interest of the people, leaving the people to fend for themselves.

Since his election in 2005, Our Representative has not returned to visit most of our communities to address some of the pressing issues confronting us. Our People do not deserve such treatment at all. I believed that responsibility given to a person geared toward seeking the interest of the people, rather than theirs. The government has chosen to place of our security, healthcare, reconstruction projects and the provision of basic services under the oversight of the international community, friendly countries and aid agencies. Our people are always yelling to participate in the development process of their communities and not to be by standers. Our Representative has decided to join some of his ill advised corrupt colleagues to take us backward during this era of development in Liberia. As the saying goes “same old, same old thing” Indeed, “Old wine in new wine skin.”

Sadly, Our Representative has abandoned the people who professed to represent – even our Chiefs, Elders, youths, Women and Children. He has miserably failed and denied our people of their involvement in the reconstruction of Communities, District and County.

After these many years of civil war, we have acknowledged that greed and dishonesty are still creeping on us and have overshadowed the rebuilding efforts of our District once again.We know that citizens of Suakoko District, Bong County in the Republic of Liberia are sick and tired of corruption, broken promises and failed leadership in our District and County.

Therefore, with help of the almighty God, family, friends, and neighbors and for the wellbeing of our people, the citizens of Suakoko District, Bong County, Liberia, Bishop Lawrence Mulbah Jackson accepted the challenge to step forward to answer another “CALL TO DUTY” to contest in the general Presidential and Legislative election to become the NEXT REPRESENTATIVE FOR SUAKOKO DISTRICT, BONG COUNTY, LIBERIA.

We believe that, with the fear of God and love for our people Bishop Jackson will provide social justice and true advocacy our people need, the servant leadership they deserve that will ensure zero tolerance for corruption, greed, dishonesty and at the same time create opportunities for development to raise our District and County out of poverty as well as foster peace, reconciliation, reintegration and respect for the rule of law.

We believe that, Bishop Jackson will provide exemplary leadership for our people as he did in the Body of Christ (the Church) and seek to end the politics that reward self and abandon the people in our District to help our County and Country rebuild the broken walls of respect, honesty and social justice. We put our hope in Bishop Jackson to inspire CHANGE, and renew our commitments to the basic values in our District which are hard work, honesty, personal responsibility, community development and nationalism.

We are excited by the outstanding work Bishop Jackson has done and continued to do in our communities throughout the District over the years which includes: humanitarian work (relief distribution) during the civil war, constructing farm to market roads, digging wells, toilets, etc.

Bishop Jackson has experienced the acts of honesty, integrity, commitment, community spirit and genuine love for people throughout the District. With Bishop Jackson stepping forward, we have no doubt that the Representation question that has been consistently asked about Suakoko District come 2011 is adequately answered. 

Finally, what the people need now is a leader with the RIGHT CHARACTER who is willing to make the RIGHT JUDGMENT and demonstrate the RIGHT COMMITMENT to our people. Someone who can better represent them on issues affection their community to bring development. We call on all citizens of Bong County specifically Suakoko District to please join Bishop Jackson in the quest to end the era of poor leadership, greed and restore hope and inspire CHANGE for a better future for our fathers, mothers and children in Suakoko District Bong County, Liberia. Therefore, please support this CAUSE and send Bishop Lawrence Mulbah Jackson on Capitol Hill come October 11, 2011. May God bless you and save our nation, Liberia.