Lawrence Jackson

Biography - Lawrence Mulbah Jackson

Bishop Lawrence Mulbah Jackson was born onto the union of Rev. James Mulbah Jackson and Mrs. Tamay Kerkulah Jackson on May 5, 1967 in Vainyan, Suakoko District, Bong County, Liberia. They live in Suakoko City, in the neighborhood of the Center for Agriculture Research Institute (CARI), Sergeant Kollie Town (SKT), Suakoko District, and Bong County, Liberia.His parents were subsistence farmers and also committed their lives to the work of the Ministry and serve as ministers.

Presently, he is married to Mrs. Barbara G. Bass Jackson, with five (5) children –Miatta, Lauris, Abraham, Jessica, Jesse and Jethro.

Bishop Jackson attended the A. Glen Tubman Elementary School on the Jamaica Road, Monrovia; John P. Mitchell Elementary & Junior High School in Gbondoi Town, Bong County, Liberia and the St. Samuel High School in Monrovia where he graduated in 1988. Bishop Jackson continued his education at Central University Collage in Accra, Ghana and graduated in 1997 with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Bible and Theology, Specializing in world Evangelism and Church planting. Presently, Bishop Jackson is pursuing his Masters in Community Development at the University of Massachusetts in Lowell and also a Master of Divinity (MDiv) in Logos Divinity School in Kerala, India.

Professional Experience
Founder, General Overseer and President: - Building for Jesus outreach church Int’l 1998 - Present 
Founder and President -------------------------Kingdom Builders Int’l School 2004- Present
Assistant Lecturer ------------------------------ Middlesex Community College 2008 - 2010
Developmental Specialist: ---------------------LIFELINKS Inc-2001 to 2009
Assistant Director -------------------------------SEVEN HILLS FOUNDATION 2002-2004
Instructor ---------------------------------------------William V.S. Tubman Gray High School 1990 - 1992
Assistant Registrar: -----------------------------St. Samuel high School 1988 – 1990

Bishop Jackson has served in Ministry for 22 years. With compassion for lost souls and by the leading of the Holy Spirit, in November 1998 Bishop Jackson moved with his family to Gbarnga and founded the Building for Jesus Outreach Church International and the Interior for Christ Apostolic Ministries. Presently his Ministry has three (3) Churches and two (2) Schools running in Monrovia and Gbarnga, Bong County.

Bishop Jackson serves as the Diocesan Bishop for Liberia and on the college of Bishops of the World Assemblies of Restoration (WAR), a Para-church organization based in Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

For several years Bishop Jackson have served as conference speaker and facilitated
many leadership seminars in Lome, Togo; Accra, Ghana; Abidjan, Ivory Coast; and Monrovia, Gbarnga, Liberia.

While in the United States, Bishop Jackson fellowships with the multinational Christ Jubilee International Ministries (CJIM) in Lowell, Massachusetts, whose Pastor is Rev. Jeremiah B. Menyongai, Jr. Presently this ministry is the fastest growing church in the city of Lowell.

Bishop Jackson’s ministry is turning the cities of Monrovia and Gbarnga “upside down and inside out” by “Evangelizing, Equipping, Encouraging, Empowering men and women for life and ministry.”