Mission & Vision

  1. The respect of Life and dignity of the human person - Human life must be valued above all material possessions
  2. Preferential option for the poor and vulnerable –as Jesus taught in “I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me”. That on the Day of Judgment God will ask what each person did to help the poor and needy.
12 Reasons Why We Need Bishop Jackson to Run for the House of Representatives  

  1. To advocate for the 500,000 Liberian children that are not in school.
  2. To advocate for the 80% of Liberians that are unemployed.
  3. To advocate and create opportunities for the more than 2 millions Liberians still have social challenges.
  4. To advocate and work for the 79% of Liberians still lack of basic decent toilets, especially rural Liberia.
  5. To advocate for the 59% of Liberians that still lack access to safe drinking water. Creating the opportunity for self – help wells drilling project.
  6. To advocate and fight for FREE Healthcare for all Liberians women the die in childbirth, and including the 25% of children that still die before age 5.
  7. To advocate for the 89% of Liberians have no access to waste management. And draft BILL on clean environment for all Liberia.
  8. To advocate and work with other to reduce the 39% death of Liberians cause by malaria and water borne diseases.
  9. To advocate and help to eradicate the conditions causing 19% of Liberians children to die from diarrhea and waterborne diseases.
  10. To advocate and help to eradicate the conditions causing 37% of Liberians children to suffer from chronic malnutrition.
  11. To advocate for the 80% of Liberians that still live below poverty line, less than $1.00 a day. And help create a middle class in the Liberian society.
  12. To advocate for all former Liberian combatants. To rehabilitate, reintegrate and resettle and put them back to into society.